Sunday Songs

Image originally uploaded by Meet Me At Mike's.

Here are my picks for Sunday Songs this week! I decided to change it up a bit and feature a few less songs, with a bit more of an explanation as to why I picked them.

♥ The Doors - Touch Me
I saw this song on Rage the other night - The Cat Empire were programming it and it was raaather fantastic - and it reminded me of how much I love Jim Morrison. I mean, sure, he seems like he would have been a little bit of a pretentious wanker, but since when has that stopped those tall, lanky, artistic types from getting the girls?

♥ Jonsi - Go Do
I downloaded this album after reading a recommendation from my beautiful friend Em on her blog, and I am so glad I did! This is the first time that I've really liked an album that's in that kind of atmospheric, dreamy, post-rock genre - usually I listen to a couple of songs and then skip to something more boppy. However, this has made me have a new appreciation for all those Sigur Ros, Mogwai kind of groups.

♥ Washington - Rich Kids
Another album I can't wait to get my hands (or... ears?) on is Washington's I Believe You Liar. This is my favourite song released so far and I think that Megan Washington is ultra cute (and she gets to wear some really rad outfits in the video, see the metallic jumpsuit in the still below for proof)! EDIT: Papa Lloyd downloaded the album and gave it to me, and it is brilliant! I highly recommend it!


1 comment:

  1. That Touch Me Doors song is so hilarious. That whole album is pretty bizarre in the best way.


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