Bits & Pieces

♥ I love this Alice in Wonderland themed shoot that appeared on foto_decadent:

Tres Lola has some fabulous suggestions in her latest Why Not Wednesday? article. My favourite is: "Give your iPod to your best mate to update with a whole bunch of new stuff. You might discover a new favourite band/song or enjoy a fabulous podcast… in the very least you’ll have something fresh & new for the daily commute."

♥ As I mentioned yesterday, one of my favourite new blogs is Keiko Lynn. I ADORE her style, it will definitely be my inspiration for winter (IF it ever gets colder in Perth... at the moment it is still over 30C every day)!

♥ These photos are incredible! The story behind them is here (originally found at Agent Lover).

♥ Another blog I recently discovered is Feels Like White Lightning, not least for the crazy Lady GaGa photos. Also, she is hilarious.

♥ Recently I have become obsessed with She & Him, which is the band Zooey Deschenal is the frontwoman for. I'd heard about them ages ago, but only checked them out a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised at their retro, country-tinged pop. Here is the exceptionally cute video for their song Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?, from Volume One:

♥ Oh, and this picture will always make me laugh:



  1. Underwater photos are my FAVORITE.

  2. oh gosh i LOVE she&him! it was the album that brought me and my friend (who is now one of my favourite people in the world!) together!

  3. Haha we are so the same, Im obsessed with that shoot, I adore Zooey, & Agent Lover! I saved all those underwater pics through her blog too- AND. My number one gif used to take the piss out of people on forums?

  4. These are awesome links, Tara :) Thank-you!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!