What I Wore 11.03.09

Hello! Today I went into uni to meet my friend for lunch, and then to Freedom to look for couches for my new apartment. In a little over a month, I will be moving! BE EXCITED!

The weather was meant to cool down today (it was 37C yesterday) but it was still humid. After a minor freak-out about what to wear, I decided on this dress because it's comfortable, flattering and the skirt does a cool flippy thing if you twirl about (which I do).

♥ Dress - Valleygirl

♥ Shoes - Rubi (need to be replaced)

♥ Ring - Diva

I kind of feel like I'm in a bit of a style rut at the moment, probably because it's a funny, in-between-seasons time so I have no idea what to wear. Also, I am sick of everything in my closet and attempting to downsize it before I move.

Also, Boy & I went to see Watchmen on the weekend and it was INCREDIBLE! Seriously, all those reviews weren't joking when they called it the best superhero movie of all time. I would, however, recommend reading the novel first if you can. Now, I could either bore you with a review and Watchmen fandom, OR I could show you this!

Watchmen cupcakes! Hello, awesome.



  1. That dress looks lovely on you!

    && those Watchmen cupcakes are really hard to beat! lol

  2. Spinny skirts are the best. :)

  3. hee, too cute! both you AND the cupcakes. yay furniture! jealousss :)

  4. I love those type of flippy dresses!!!
    so many great movies out at the moment. i must watch slumdog millionaire too!

  5. the cupcakes are TOTALLY cool and you look beautiful! <3 <3 <3

  6. Cute dress, and the addition of the red belt is dazzling ;)

    Awesome cupcakes btw :D


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!