What I Wore 27.03.09

Hello! Please excuse the mess behind me, I am moving soon so the house is in disarray.

♥ Dress: Dangerfield

♥ Shoes: Zu sale last year

♥ Snake ring: Diva

♥ Panther ring: Diva

This is what I wore to meet my friend for one of my last dinners at my local pub (I move away in two weeks!). We had ridiculously large and cheap cocktails. I had a Jelly Bean - I'm not sure what was in it but I assume it had sambuca - and a Fluffy Duck, which was DELICIOUS. Then I came home and watched the football while spending some much-needed time with Boy.

How was your weekend?



  1. It is going quite well, so far, thankyou for asking! You do look rather adorable. And WOOT FOR OUR NEW HOUSE!

  2. i looooove this dress, & those shoes! yum. you look gorgeous.

    adorable photos too :)

  3. Oooh i love your dress. U are so badly the cutest thing in the world, and I love you. And im so glad I got to seee youuu!

  4. I lovelovelovelove the dress!

  5. emily jane - I KNOW! AWESOME!
    amanda - Thank yoooou!
    Em - I love you too! Thank you for being so lovely!
    Sarah - Thank you, it's one of my favourites!


Thank you for your comment! x

I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!