What I Wore 09.03.09

This is what I wore for undoubtedly my most loathed day of uni (lecture at 9, five hour break, tutorial from 3 until 6). The last tutorial isn't so bad, it's anthropology which is always interesting. At the moment we're doing a research project, which probably sounds lame but it is fascinating to me!

I got this dress from Cotton On on the weekend for a cooool $7.50. I think it looks a little like prisoner's stripey pyjamas (sorry about the completely different colours in the photos!).

♥ Dress - Cotton On
♥ Shoes - Rubi
♥ Valentine - My secret admirer

Maybe I got the prisoner's stripes idea because I watched Cry Baby on the weekend (while at home sick! Which made me miss a lunch out with my favourite blogging ladies, booo). I love Johnny Depp (but really, who doesn't?) and this movie was so fantastic. I have a renewed lust for pencil skirts and winged eyeliner.

I hope your week got off to a fabulous start!

Love and kisses


1 comment:

  1. Eeep I love you! Holographic robot poooweerr! Mmm shirt dresses *drool* OH and I have crybaby sitting here to watch, I haven't had time! EXCITED.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!