What I Wore 19.03.09

This is what I wore to my friend's birthday dinner & dancing!

♥ Dress: Cotton On

♥ Jacket: Alice in the Eve

♥ Tights: Now legwear

♥ Shoes: Miss Shop from Myer

It was a fun night, we went to Outback Jack's (where if you finish 1kg of steak in half an hour, you get it half price and a free T-shirt... no one at our table was game enough to try it, but it gives you an idea of what the place was like, haha) and had disgustingly sweet Cosmopolitans, and then to The Deen for salsa dancing! It was so much fun, I'm glad that I got to spend my friend's birthday with her, she is one of my favourite people ever!

I think it would have been a good idea to break in the shoes before I wore them! They were SO INCREDIBLY PAINFUL by the end of the night, by about 10:00 I was whimpering and looking around for a chair. This morning I woke up to something not unlike this:

So, ALWAYS break in new shoes before wearing them out dancing!


Also, to any Perth people, I thought I would mention the HUGE Subway DC sale, happening at 824 Hay St, opposite His Majesty's Theatre. I had a look on Friday, and it had brands like Zimmerman, Cohet et Sabine, Stolen Girlfriend's Club and Kate Hurst, with nothing over $100! Sadly that was still too much for this poor arts student so go and spend up for me!


  1. ouchie! that happened to be the other night too - after standing up all night i had huge blisters on the bottom of my little toes! so painful.

  2. Oh ouch!

    I can sympathise. When I come home from long nights of dancing & running around I like to soak my feel in cold water. Pure Bliss!

    P.S. Dylan Moran = awesome!

  3. Absolutely love that dress dear :) And yikes! I always make sure to wear my new shoes around the house for a day and sometimes even just wear my suit if I am going out in the evening, so I am comfortable in it lol.

  4. May well be the best tuxedo-esque look I've ever seen!

  5. Helen - OUCH! I can imagine how much little toe blisters would hurt!
    Miss_Corrine - Thank you miss! :D
    Bella - Isn't he? I'm going to see him in April, I can't wait!
    dapper kid - Thank you lovely! Hehe, next time I go out I will wear the entire outfit to make sure it is pain-free :P
    Annie - Thank you, that's very flattering!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!