Little Things 07.09.10

I wanted to take an outfit photos but the lovely weather that had me so excited for the start of spring has disappeared and been replaced by horrible, wet, windy weather. So, instead, here are some photos from the past week or so.

I found my Minnie Mouse ears while I was cleaning up this week and had some silly Photobooth fun!

Some odd fabric choices at Textile Traders in Bunbury. Although I did buy some fabric patterned with pretzels and another patterned with Chinese food, so can I really judge?

Here is my reading material for the past week. My old boss lent me the Fashion Babylon book and I never got to finish it, and have been idly hunting it down ever since. I finally found it in a used bookshop! Hooray! It is the ultimate in trashy reading.

Birthday cards! Twiggy riding her bike is a particular favourite.

And speaking of birthdays, my sister gave me a belated birthday present while I was down in Bunbury. It's a blackboard. In the shape of a moustache. Sorry the photo's a bit crap, but it's rather heavy to move!

And, um, more birthday stuff... here are some more photos from my birthday dinner:

Regular posting to resume soooooon!


p.s I've tried to get back on the Bloglovin' bandwagon, so Follow my blog with bloglovin


  1. A blackboard in the shape of a mustache?! Whoa, so cool.

  2. I heart your micky mouse ears, so cute!

    Love Ms Stef...

  3. I love the mo blackboard, I recently bought a ghost blackboard -


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