What I Wore 13.09.10

Hello! It is production week for the uni paper. Eep! Today was surprisingly cruisy, but I am guessing
that by the end of the week I will look something like this:

But today, I looked like this!

Sportsgirl dress
Diva ring & earrings
Cotton On leggings
Witchery singlet
Isabella Brown flats

This is one of a few Sportsgirl dresses I have picked up on sale recently. I thought this dress looked kind of Alexa Chung-inspired when I was in the changeroom, but it's a bit of a weird fit. It's quite blousey in the top - I tried it on without a singlet underneath and thought it was fine, but am very very glad I decided to wear one with it when venturing out in public! - and comes up quite short at the sides (as it's made to look kind of like a shirtdress). But, I couldn't go past the heart print and the fact that it actually has sleeves! Proper sleeves!

The person whom I enlisted for taking photos said "Do that typical blogger pose!" and then did the 'looking coyly down, kind of pigeontoed feet' pose that, um, I do actually do quite shamefully often in my outfit posts. That is why I am giggly in this photo!

Outfit details! Impossibly huge ring, and the print on the dress.



  1. Loving the look of that dress, especially the pockets at the front!

  2. And it looks delightful!

    Really, how could you say no to such a cute little heart detail?!

    Good luck with production week :)

  3. Dam i think i might be guilty of that pose to..Time to stop :)

  4. Syed - Thank you! I think it will be perfect in summer!
    Corrine - Thank you! I am still anxious about it but I will soldier through (in a cute heart-print dress!).
    retro bird - I have yet to see a blog that hasn't featured that pose in at least one of their outfit photos! :D xo


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!