What I Wore 27.09.10

Apologies for my rather abrupt absence from the internet! I had an insanely busy week last week, and while I had lots of places to go and outfits to photograph, I was running late most of the time and had no time to write posts! Last week was probably the most social week I have had in a long time, I had our print production week wrap up on Wednesday (even though the paper had to be recalled, so we didn't really have that much to celebrate), I went to see my sister and boyfriend in the UWA pantomime on Friday night (very funny, although with some extremely lame hecklers) and a geriatric themed 21st on Saturday night. It probably doesn't sound like much but I am extremely hermit-like and so have spent the last couple of days absolutely exhausted.

I bought this Dotti dress while I was in Bunbury over the weekend. Dotti seems to have been the only Australian chain store who ripped off were inspired by Miu Miu's S/S 2010 collection, which I was rather put out by (and if I could afford real Miu Miu, of course I would buy that rather than the el cheapo copy, but come on! I am a student working one day a week!).

Dotti dress
Diva hair bow, a 21st present 
Diva ring, a 21st present
Zensu flats
Sunglasses, free with a magazine about two years ago

This outfit proved quite satisfactory for a day of eating icecream on the foreshore, and going out to Fremantle to have dinner and to see Despicable Me (pretty cute, not overly fantastic, I would give it 3 out of 5). Quite a nice way to spend the public holiday AND my first day of study break.


p.s Is Blogger's new image uploader actually the worst thing ever? I couldn't upload any pictures I'd saved in Picnik without them turning up un-rotated and unedited... hence the post being put up an hour after I'd planned. NOT HAPPY.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!