What I Wore 28.09.10

Hello! This is what I wore to wear to dinner with my previous boss and the girls from the boutique I used to work. I love them dearly but I was so exhausted - I was woken up at 6:45 this morning by a policeman knocking on my door! It was because a guy on a motorbike had crashed into my boyfriend's car, which was parked on the street in front of my house. The guy is okay, but the car and bike are not.

Anyway! On to the clothes... This is another Dotti-does-Miu Miu dress. I got this one on sale but they do have an off-the-shoulder style in the same print and colour. I wore it with some silver jewellery and heels - and bare legs! At night! Hello summer!

Dotti dress
Antique bracelet, 21st present
Silver ball necklace, 21st present
Zu heels
Cotton On cardigan

Oh, and I mentioned in my last post that I had gone to a geriatric themed 21st last weekend. This is what I wore, sadly I think it is a reflection on what is to come in the future...

It was quite nice to go to a party where I could wear my slippers and a nice comfy jumper.


p.s I'm in the process of adding particular pages to my blog; if you look up the top there is an About Me page and my policy on featuring products. Feel free to take a look!


  1. Oh you look gorgeous! Really cute dress, and very flattering. I wore bare legs for the first time the other day, I completely froze but it was so worth it! Am totally jealous of Perth's weather at the moment.

    Ps. Are you back with your bf?? That's awesome :)

  2. Perth's weather has totally gone downhill! It was RAINING today, the nerve! & no, not back with boyfriend, this one is new! :P


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!