Sunday Songs

Yesterday I was lucky enough to go to the One Movement music festival for free, thanks to my sister's lovely boyfriend! It's more of an industry showcase than a music festival, and it was delightfully cruisy and a great start to the music festival season (not that I can afford to go to any, I'm holding out for the Laneway lineup!).

Anyway, this week's Sunday Songs is appropriately One Movement themed. These were my favourite artists from the Saturday.

♥ Hungry Kids of Hungary - Let You Down
I have to admit that I only saw this band because Emma said on her Twitter that she was going to see them. I am lucky that she has great music taste, these guys were great! There were so many awesome Australian bands, it made me very happy!

♥ Georgia Fair - Picture Frames
If you live in Australia, you might have heard this song on the Brownes flavoured milk ads; don't let that deter you, it's a great song! Summery and happy and it just makes me want to go and dance around in the sun and go on long silly roadtrips. Plus, I can't say I mind a band that's so easy on the eye. 

♥ Ben Kweller - Penny on a Train Track
The main reason I went to One Movement was to see Ben Kweller, I think he is incredible and I've been kicking myself that I never got to see him live on his last Australian tours - I did actually see him at Blues & Roots when I was 15, but not actually playing, he was just sitting on the steps outside his hotel. I don't think that counts as anything. He was definitely my highlight for the day - how could you beat a set which included a cover of Boyz II Men's Make Love To You (complete with Triple J's The Doctor on guitar)? This isn't my favourite Ben Kweller song (that would be Falling) but it is definitely my favourite video - apparently the lady is his 82-year-old grandmother. Aw!



  1. That Hungry Kids track is so amazing :)

  2. How good is the music scene at the moment! Love The Hungry Kids!

  3. Syed - I know! I can't believe I'd never heard of them before Saturday!
    Tink In My Closet - Yes yes very excellent music scene! Have you seen the Laneway lineup? Fantastic!


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