What I Wore 05.10.10

Hello again! This is one of the dresses you would have seen in yesterday's post, it is a rather delightful turtle-printed dress that I got at the Huge Vintage Sale. Apparently there is another vintage sale coming up in a couple of weeks, I'd best start saving my pennies as this one left me rather broke. For the rest of the Sunday. Until my pay came through on Monday.

I decided to not be a "white wall blogger" today (I find the term a little hilarious) and instead be a brick wall blogger. I took these photos on my balcony, where it was rather cold and windy.

Dress from Awoke on a Whale Heart via vintage sale
Lipstik flats
Bow ring, 21st present
Sportsgirl headband

I love this dress. I didn't really get to try it on properly (I was a bit intimidated by the communal changeroom situation!) so I'm glad that it fits perfectly. I think it's safe to say that it's the only turtle-print dress that will inhabit my wardrobe. I didn't really know how to style it so I went a bit Charlotteish. I need new flat shoes.

I've worn this ring so much since I got it, and I have to say it's quite comfortable for a two-finger ring. Bows make me feel very prim and proper indeed.



  1. Love that dress on you! And that ring. There's a MASSIVE silver bow ring in Alpha60 that I'm desperately lusting after, think I'm going to have to layby it this pay!

  2. You're lucky to get such a great find!!

  3. What an awesome dress love the colour contrast of the polka dots.

    Love Ms Stef...

  4. Wow, our balcony looks weird from that angle! You look delightful though :)

  5. oh that dress is perfect on your, i'm so jealous! suits you well :)

  6. Such a cute dress!
    I love that Vintage sale, they have so many beautiful little dresses, but I'm the same, I blow my whole weeks budget!
    Hope to see you at the Fremantle Vintage Market next weekend?

  7. naw you are cute! I haven't visited your blog in ageeeeeeeeeessss! I'm so behind in blog town it makes me sad.

    The dress is lovely, I think my bestfriend modelled for Awoke on a whale heart once...

    I don't know why they would take Drazic away from us. IT IS EVILL EVILLL.

    We must protest.


  8. Oh my gosh, how awesome is this dress???? I love it so much!! The patterns are simply fabulous. You're fabulous.

  9. Gorgeous dress! looove your ring xx

    If haven't already, don't forget to enter my T2 giveaway @ http://thriveonnovelty.blogspot.com/2010/09/t2-giveaway.html

  10. harbourmaster - Oh, awesome! I love that gigantic rings are coming back in!
    Teresauras - I know! I'm so happy with it! :D
    ms stephanie - Thank you! The polka dots are actually little marching turtles, it's so cute!
    emily jane - Whaaa? How does it look weird?!
    minteva - Thanks lovely! Miss yoooou!
    Girl Friday - Yep, I will be there! Blowing another week's wages, no doubt! :)
    Abby - They had really cute dresses! It helps ease the pain of losing Drazic...
    maggeygrace - Thank you so much! xo
    Thrive on Novelty - Thanks for letting me know!

  11. That is a truly beautiful dress. It fits you so well and looks stunning!


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