Tea & Sympathy

Today I woke up feeling really down, for no particular reason. To be honest, I think it is just stress about uni and work building up, as well as a really nasty case of hay fever, which makes everything seem a bit more foggy and just, well, blah.

Nothing that a cup of hazelnut coffee and a cupcake won't fix, though.



  1. I hope you feel better soon Tara, rest up and drink lots of tea, stress can be a real bummer but you'll feel better soon :-) I must say you have posted beautiful photographs as always, where did you get that mug? It's so cute!

  2. cupcakes and coffee make everything better!

  3. that mug is adorable! Its Thursday, the weekend is near, i hope you have a great one :)

  4. Awe hope you feel better - uni always stresses me out too! :( that cupcake & gorgeous mug I bet is a stress relief yes?! it's SO cute! & YUM hazelnut coffee?! I want to try that! om nom ♥

  5. CUTEST mug! My cupcakes are a little sad that you're cheating on them though ;)

  6. Cutest cupcakes, and cutest mug! I hope you're feeling good again soon. Hayfever makes me feel really blah as well.

  7. Rebekah Leigh - Thank you, the first photo might be my favourite I've ever taken! The mug was actually a present... although I saw some in a Leederville shop today & have now completely blanked on who makes them! ARGH!
    Helen - I agree! I think it is more about the ritual for me, I don't even like sweet food very much!
    April Rose - Thank you lovely!
    Thy Lady - Thank you! It's just a coffee brand from the supermarket, nothing fancy, but still DELICIOUS.
    Em - Wah! If I had a never ending supply of Emmacakes then I would eat little else!
    Miss Peregrin - Thank you! xo


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