What I Wore 06.10.10

I had the day off today and instead of doing something like starting my final assignments or cleaning the house, I thought that it would be a good day for a picnic. So, last night I made some things from this cookbook, popped on one of my favourite dresses, called up one of my favourite people and we went down to the park around the corner from my house.

There were homemade sausage rolls...

scones with jam & cream (that were extremely DELICIOUS, if I do say so myself)...


and of course, outfit photos!

Vintage dress
Sportsgirl hat, present from Em
Rabbit ring from Pigeonhole
Rubi flats
Richard the Carrot brooch from Corky St Clair

This dress is pretty perfect for spring because although it's a summery style, it's made of what is most likely polyester, so it gets mighty gross and sweaty after about two minutes on a hot day. But, it is one of my favourites - it was one of the first proper vintage dresses I ever bought.
And yes, the hat is totally ineffectual for actually protecting me from the sun, but I like it anyway.

It was a very lovely day indeed. Also, I will be guest posting on my sister's food blog with the recipes for the sausage rolls and scones, so pop down there if you are interested in yummy food!

And now I am going to make an indoor tent, to have an indoor picnic and eat the leftover food. YES I TURNED 21 TWO MONTHS AGO WHAT OF IT.



  1. this post just reminded me to eat breakfast. thank you for that!

    your dress is adorable, by the way.

  2. You look so lovely and Spring-y! I'm very happy it's getting sunnier and warmer and can't wait to have a picnic soon. Your sausage rolls look scrumptious.

  3. nicolette - Thank you! I hope your breakfast was utterly delightful!
    Amy Alexandra - Thank you! I was so happy with how they turned out, they look like REAL sausage rolls!

  4. the print on your vintage dress is beautiful! and the hat looks so adorable on you.
    where oh where did you find that vintage dress?? if you dont mind me asking :)

  5. That outfit is perfect! Honestly. Wonderful.


  6. nonfiction_fiction - Thank you! I found the dress in a Vinnies Retro in Fremantle. It was a bit more expensive - about $29 - because it's in a "retro" store. But still has some gorgeous dresses in there!
    Georgia Rose - Oh thank you! xo


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!