Happy 50th Papa Lloyd!

Happy birthday dad! Thank you for:
♥ imparting your musical wisdom and listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, 60's girl groups, the best of The Beatles and The Who
♥ Keeping your whole 'Encyclopedia of Rock' collection of books (that, when I was little, actually thought was about... rocks)
♥ Always cheering me up by making lame (I mean... super hilarious) dad jokes
♥ Taking us to Rottnest every year, and camping in Exmouth when we were younger, which meant I wasn't totally wide-eyed and shocked during Outward Bound in year 11
♥ Letting Emily and I live in Perth (even though we know you miss us a lot)
♥ Assuring me that one day we WILL be the first ever father/daughter team on Rockwiz
♥ Supporting me when I wanted to do journalism, even though I will probably never earn any money
♥ Letting me know when you read my blog
♥ Always being silly and happy for his two daughters

I love you dad!

And also... happy birthday to one of my best friends Renae! She is one of the most amazing, supporting, beautiful, stylish and tanned people in my life,  and I love her dearly!



  1. Naw, your dad looks exactly like Em in that pic! <3 Happy birthday Mister Lloyd!

  2. Ok, I have to ask - OB, so...PC?

  3. Aww that was the best post ever!

  4. Aw how lovely! And hooray for the musical guidance! :D


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