Rain, Rain, Go Away

I wanted to write an interesting blog post, but...

the weather kind of freaked me out and I've been staying inside with yucky pizza (store bought, I wouldn't make a delivery person drive out in hail!), hot tea and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Hope you are inside where it's nice and warm! Stay safe!



  1. ooh great photos! i was stuck in my car & then it all got washed away with the rain so i didn't get to take any myself :(

  2. Wasn't the weather incredible! NEVER seen hail quite like it! We needed it I think. Now Perth smells like it's been washed and it's clean. It needed a bath after 3-1/2 months of no rain! ;) You have a lovely blog!

  3. oh wow! it's like victoria's storms two weeks ago.

    loving your blog!

  4. Nice Hail photos. We didn't get hail up in Darlington but we did get a wild storm. thankfully we still had Power and Internet. I had the day off at home spending time doing what I love with my favourite weather beating down around me. It was fantastic. It's a pity about all of the serious damage down Perth side however.


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!