My Girl Gwendoline at Unwrapped

These are a few pictures from the My Girl Gwendoline stall that I helped out with, at the Unwrapped Markets in South Perth. I love the aesthetic of her clothes and I think that the stall really matched well with them.
The designer Renee (on the left) and her friend Sarah
Little animal brooches!
The "woodland" area
Flowers that survived the heat

And some Lomo photos (they capture the mood of the set up so perfectly, I couldn't resist!).
I thought that the markets were a lot better than last time. Apart from the fact that it actually wasn't 40 degrees like before, there was a much better atmosphere (the stalls were part of the South Perth fiesta), there were my favourite stalls from last time AND a lot more to discover, there were more clothing stalls, and a lot more customers, which is always good!
Thanks Renee for letting me help out and thanks to everyone who stopped by at the My Girl Gwendoline stall! Be sure to check out her blog too!

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