What I Wore 27.03.10 + The Pixies!

The Pixies' album Doolittle is one of my all time top five albums, and so I was pretty ecstatic when they announced that they would be touring to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Chris and I have had our tickets since about September last year, so needless to say I was rather excited when it came to last Saturday night!
I've never been to Belvoir Ampitheatre before but it is an amazing venue. Seeing amazing bands, under the stars, in the middle of the bush... beautiful.

Here's what I wore! It's one of my dresses from Old Age on Etsy, and although it was pretty freezing cold, the dress is a really thick fabric which kept me nice and toasty - especially when paired with the boots I got from Betts (which I mentioned in this post).

&hearts: Vintage 60's dress via Old Age on Etsy
♥ Black tights
♥ Betts boots
♥ 'T' wooden scrabble tile earrings

The Pixies show itself was amazing. Not only did they sing my favourite tracks off Doolittle (Debaser and Here Comes Your Man) but they also came back on for an encore and sang Where Is My Mind? and Gigantic, which are my other two favourite Pixies songs. They still sounded fantastic after twenty years and I'm so happy that I got to see one of my top five albums performed.



  1. I love your dress that you found on Etsy, it reminds me of a dress that I had when I was a little girl :) I would love to find a simular one for myself now :) Great blog!

    Amazing. x

  3. I would have sold myself on the street to see The Pixies. Also, the fabric in that dress is amazing.

  4. You look very cute in that dress, lovely!

  5. Ooh, you got to see the Pixies! That's so cool! I saw Frank Black a few years ago but that's it. You look adorable, too!

  6. Mecino - Thank you! I did a post on the Etsy shop I bought it from a few posts back if you want to find out more about them!
    Alex. - Thank you! I was pretty surprised to find them at Betts, usually their shoes are a bit off for me...
    michaela - They were amazing! One of the best live bands I've ever seen! (Not to make you feel like you missed out or anything.) And yes I do love the fabric!
    Monster Girl - Thank you! I MISSED YOU! Or... you know... your presence on the internet... /creepy
    Annie Spandex - Aw thank you! Yes they were amazing, I love them even more now!

  7. I adore this dress! The whole outfit is super cute. Also, Pixies were amazing in Auckland as well. I love going to see a band that actually lives up to my hopes!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!