What I Wore 10.03.10

I have to confess that I wore pretty much this exact same outfit yesterday and I loved it so much that I wore it again today. If I look really tired in the pictures, it's because I was so nervous about doing an interview for journalism today that I couldn't get to sleep until about 2. And we only had to interview one of our classmates! What a nerd I am.

The skirt is vintage fabric (I think 70s?) so I decided to play around with my photo editing stuff (I AM doing photojournalism this semester, after all) and make them a bit more retro looking. OK, and it covers up the humongous bags under my eyes.

♥ Bodysuit by Living Doll from David Jones
♥ Skirt by My Girl Gwendoline, from Unwrapped markets
♥ Black flats
♥ Cocoa Pod ring, from Unwrapped markets
In case you were wondering, the interview went fine (of course). It was my first time using a voice recorder so I was terrified that I would do a great interview (not the terrifying part) and then that it wouldn't record and I would be left with NOTHING. It went quite better than that, although I did record the interview outside so it sounds like there's a tornado AND bombs exploding AND a monster truck rally happening at the same time.

Also... I AM working on some more interesting locations for my daily outfit photos, since now I'm pretty sure you all know what my front door looks like.



  1. You look gorgeous - that silhouette is great on you! Also, glad the interview went well.

    A xx

  2. OOOH HOT! I love your body shape, it's mucho sexy. That outfit is way flattering on you :D

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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!