I'm Looking Forward To...

{this post is inspired by my lovely friend Emma!}
Getting a pug! This won't happen until I move out of my apartment, obviously, but I am so obsessed with owning one. Chris (a.k.a Boy) is not such a huge fan but nothing can stop the pug-love.
this picture may or may not be my desktop background...
Joining a gym - I was going to do some personal training sessions but since the price they quoted when I went for a consultation was $1500 over what I was originally quoted (!), I decided to just do it myself and join a gym! I am a bit freaked out but kind of pumped for Rocky-esque training montages.
Winter! It is the first day of autumn and in Perth it is STILL a terrifying 41 degrees! I feel sorry for all you troopers at Soundwave who will surely be suffering heatstroke by now! There will surely be posts dedicated entirely to winter once it actually starts raining and I don't have to worry about people's houses catching on fire.

Going back to uni - it's my final year and I can't wait to get back into a regular routine and finish my degree! It is a bit scary to think of not having the security blanket of uni next year, though... For my journalism degree I am doing feature writing and photojournalism, so hopefully some good effects should rub off on the blog?
Reading new posts from all the blogs which I have gone through and read all the old posts - such as The Rockstar Diaries (thanks Richenda!), calivintage and Cupcakes and Cashmere.

Musical happenings - In the next couple of months I have the Blues & Roots Festival (Crowded House, Buddy Guy, Lisa Mitchell, Jeff Beck? Yes please), the Pixies, and the Rockwiz show. Very excited, and also relieved to finally use the tickets I have been spending so much money on!
Birthdays of people I love - My dad's birthday and one of my best girlfriend's birthday is on the same day! Also, he is turning 50 and she 21, so it is double the anticipation.
21st anticipation - While on the subject of birthdays... thanks to some HEAVY hints from my mum about how now might be the time to start planning my 21st, I have gotten way too excited over an event that will be happening in the middle of September (well, my birthday is the 31st of August but the party won't be for a while after that). If only you all lived in Perth and could come!

What are you looking forward to?



  1. I too am looking forward to having a pug! My cat will hate me... but one day! Also looking forward to warm weather and flip flops! I simply can not wait!

  2. Like you, I am looking forward to winter! Unlike you, Autumn has brought some cool weather with it here in NSW and my absolute favourite piece of clothing EVER, the too large tracky-daks, have made it out of the closet and onto my legs!
    I am also looking forward to going back to uni, but this will be my first year of a grad degree, so I have 3 years to go! I had my first day yesterday and it was information overload, but I am still uber-excited!

  3. Oh, that pug is adorable! I once met a very strange pug who tried to hump everything! It was quite hilarious since he was so small. Bless his little heart.
    I'm looking forward to cooking lots of yummy casseroles and curries for dinner once the weather cools down :)

    xx Claire

  4. Model Citizen - Haha I have just left the season of flip flops and I am excited, the blisters, oh the blisters!
    Adele - :( I wish I could wear track pants & be all warm & comfy! Argh! Good luck with the grad degree!
    Miss Claire - Hehe, the pug story made me giggle! I can't wait for all the comoforting winter food either!

  5. Hey beauty face. I swear, me & you need to somehow conquer this not-able-to-drive situation so we can work out together. I'm desperate to do something too but have nobody to do it with *wah!*

  6. Yeah, some of my greatest days have been going back through old rockstar diaries posts. I wish she posted more like she used too! But i understand we all cant live on our computers!:)


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!