Restyle: Monkey Magic

Hello again! So first things first, let me tell you about this awesome monkey cardigan (which sadly isn't op-shopped). I found it in a pop-up vintage store on William St and I couldn't resist trying it on, even though I'm not a huge fan of short-sleeved cardigans (I can just never figure out where you're meant to wear them. As a cover-up when it's still pretty warm outside? When it's cold but you want to show off your elbows?). But I couldn't go past this one - it has  MONKEYS on it, AND banana buttons. And it was on sale too!

I wore it with the op-shop skirt from a few posts ago and I think it looks okay. Usually I wear it with a fuller skirt but I haven't found any so far on my op-shop travels...

Skirt, Good Sammys, $4 // Belt, Good Sammys, $2.50 // Vintage cardigan // Portmans 3/4 shirt // Sportsgirl loafers

Tomorrow night I'm going to an exhibit that some friends of mine helped out with, called Home Is Where My Heart Is. The program pairs local photographers with young homeless people, who then take a photo of what they interpret as 'home'. It's a really great exhibition and all the funds raised go towards helping the homeless in Perth, so if you get a chance to check it out please do!



  1. Cute cardi!! I love the banana buttons! xx danii

    1. Thank you! The buttons pretty much sealed the deal for me. MORE BANANA BUTTONS, I SAY. x

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! One of my favourite vintage finds, for sure! x

  3. omg. This cardigan is BA-NA-NAS...literally! x

    1. Hahaha! That was what I was going to call my outfit post! Great minds... x

  4. oh this is a very cute look. My daughter will love your cardigan as she is obsessed with bananas and monkeys.

    1. Aww cute! If only they made it in little sizes!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!