Restyle: InstaGran

Hello! I'm sorry I only have Instagram photos today, but I got home late after a meeting with my boss (and plans to rearrange my beautiful window for the Windows in the City competition), and then having some cheeky Wednesday catch-up beers with a friend who is usually up at the mines. THEN watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and developing my weird crush on Charlie Day. All the characters on that show are so awful and yet I love them. And I ain't gonna pretend like I didn't think canned wine was a good idea. And then try it out when walking around the golf course with Aidan the next day. Well, golf is boring. 

I called this post 'InstaGran' because a) I saw the joke in a Cyanide & Happiness comic and have wanted to use it for something ever since, and b) I feel it's appropriate for my style recently. The op-shop skirts and dresses are usually at a much longer length than what I'm used to, and so I feel very demure most days! This dress actually looks amazingly 1950s housewife-y with the sleeves rolled up and a headscarf on, but I realise this is probably a look also loved by a granny or two. The Hush Puppy loafers don't really help either, haha! But I fully embrace a bit of nana style every now and then.

Dress, Salvation Army, $15 // Scarf, Salvation Army, $9.99 // Ring, Salvation Army, $5 // Loafers, Good Sammys, $10

Figures the one day that I do have an almost-all-opshopped outfit on, I don't take photos with my proper camera. Arrrgh. Anyway, I have a day off tomorrow and I am getting my hair cut and coloured! Last time I went I got pink and purple ends, so who knows what I'll end up with this time. I'm one of those people at the hairdressers who just says "...Look, just do what you want, really." All I care about is that I have a bangin' fringe at the end of it. 

And finally... I was listening to David Bowie all day and I thought I'd share one of my new favourite Bowie tracks with you. 



  1. Oo, this dress is so lovely! Totally in love with the 'floral without actually being floral' (if that makes sense) print

    Shell xx

    1. Haha yes I know what you mean! Thank you :D x

  2. Love the dress! I dig a bit of granny style myself - grannies know what's awesome yo!

    1. Oh grannies totally know what's up. THEY BE STYLIN'

  3. Replies
    1. Hehe I've been waiting for an opportunity to use it! I will have to track down the original comic because it made me lol heartily. xx


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!