Restyle: Rock Around The Clock

Hello again! Sorry for the inside pictures the last couple of days, but I've had no time to go out into the lovely sunshine and take photos. I'm really excited to show you this outfit, though... it's my absolute favourite op-shop piece of the challenge so far!

So, I have no idea what this skirt was originally for. I'm guessing some kind of Rock Eistedfodd/end-of-year dance concert? Anyway, I couldn't pass up a skirt which has so many of my favourite artists on it!

Skirt, St Vincent de Paul, $15 // Shoes, Good Sammys, $10 // Black tights // ASOS blouse

So just some of the band names are Eddie Cochran, Little Richard, Elvis, The Crickets, Wild Angels, Showaddywaddy (!!!), Shangri-Las... It's ridiculous! I think that this skirt and I were destined to be. If I could be described as a piece of clothing, this would be it. 

I had a not-so-great day but I got to have dinner with my mum and my sister tonight, which was lovely. We've started catching up on Thursday nights while my mum's in Perth, and going to all the restaurants near work. Tonight (and last week...) we went to the Burger Bistro and it's SO GOOD! I don't get to see my mum that often because she lives two hours away so these Thursday night catch ups always make me happy. 

Well, I'll be back tomorrow with more Restyle goodness! I hope it's inspiring you to do a little op-shopping of your own ;)


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!