Restyle: Monochromatic

Well, I guess the title of this post is a little bit off... thanks to my newly purple hair, I'm not totally monochrome! I got it done by the beautiful Teagan-Marie at Peggy Sue's Studio and I LOVE IT! I've been thinking of doing an all-over colour for a while but yesterday I just decided to go for it. It's kind of a 23rd birthday present to myself (last year it was a tattoo). Do I even need to mention it's next week? I think I've inadvertently done a countdown in my posts for the last month. I JUST LIKE BIRTHDAYS OKAY.

I bought this dress a little while ago in the ASOS sale. I think that the package - which also included another dress and two tops - arrived just before or just after the Restyle challenge started, so it was nice to have some new things to play with without breaking the 'buy nothing new' part of the challenge! This dress in particular is one of my new favourites. It's quite short but it's a skater skirt and quite a loose style, so it doesn't feel too short. Does that make sense? I also love the little piping Peter Pan collar.

Blazer, Good Sammys, $10 // Shoes, Good Sammys, $10 // ASOS dress // Pigeonhole panther ring

I still love this blazer. I think it still kind of screams "EIGHTIES!!!" but I'm kind of okay with that. One of the good things about this challenge is that it's been pushing my personal style a bit. I guess there's only so many vintage '50s/'60s dresses that I can wear! I did want to quickly say a huge thanks to LotteryWest and Perth Fashion Festival for putting on such a great challenge. Incidentally, the PFF website launched on Tuesday and it looks like there's some great events! I really want to go to the Student Runway and the Evening with Flannel sounds divine.

Well, that is it for me today! I'm working on a lot of new posts like my (hideously late) Groupon review, my Firmoo glasses review and my usual Instagram spam, so please keep an eye out for them amongst all the Restylin' up in here!


  1. Love this outfit! Screaming EIGHTIES is never a bad thing in my book - and that dress is just way too adorable. I am in huge amounts of envy over your collection of dresses, and YOUR NEW HAIR!!! So jealous. That purple suits you so nicely. I'd love to go blue, or purple myself but I'm yet to work a job that will let me do it!

    1. I think that as long as I stop before I get to leotards and legwarmers, a little bit of '80s isn't TOO bad ;) & thank you! The dress is very cute but it has a really bulky zip at the back so people think I have a really bony spine?! It's so strange because the rest of the dress is so stretchy and comfy! Anyway you should definitely colour your hair once you have a job that lets you (but I do LOVE the red!). xx

  2. damn it, i missed that dress on asos earlier this year >_<

    1. Oh no! They've got it in a couple of sizes in the white with blue piping?,19&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Whiteblue

  3. That dress is gorgeous on you. Well done finishing the Restyle!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!