Restyle: Polka Fun

Hello! I can't believe this is my second last Restyle outfit :( but don't worry, I have a pretty fantastic outfit planned for tomorrow...

This was just an easy work outfit, but I still worry that this dress is too short for me! I always forget to bring it out in winter, but there ain't no way this dress is getting worn without tights. I do love it though. And I'm still not over wearing my headscarf! I should figure out how else I can wear it because you can't really see the beautiful print when it's all wrapped up like this.

Scarf, Salvation Army, $9.99 // Heels, Drug Arm WA, $5 // Bracelet, Good Sammys, $5 // Bag (looks like Glomesh but is a Glomesh knock-off, if such a thing exists), Save the Children, $8 // Vintage dress via The Velvet Bow // Black tights // Pigeonhole Aztec studs

Today was a good day. I had a few busy rushes at work, which is always good, but in between I was busy re-merching and putting out all our lovely new stock! I don't know if you remember but my shop is in the Windows In The City competition... our wonderful stylist Hannah and I re-did our window on Sunday and I LOVE IT! I'm going to have to take some better photos, all I have is one poorly lit Instagram shot. We also got in some peach (PEACH!) Diana Minis, but my camera collection is already getting a little bit out of hand... I have a Mr Pink Diana, a Fujifilm Instax, and a Polaroid coming for my birthday (THIS FRIDAY ldksjhqfkjhfk), so I don't think I can justify another one quite yet...

Anyway, I hope all your weeks are going splendidly! This week (well, month, really) has flown by for me - usually I spend all of August waiting for my birthday, but this month I've had the quite wonderful distraction of Restyle! I haven't even organised any kind of birthday gathering yet, so this year will probably be very low-key. Having such a invalid boyfriend this week has taken the wind out of my sails somewhat.



  1. Cutest dress! I love the colour & it looks so cute with your headscarf! I'm going to be sad to see Restyle coming to an end.

    I hope your boyfriend is feeling better soon!

    1. Oh thanks dearest! I STILL have your present to send out to you. Bad blogger friend :( x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!