Restyle: Choir Girl

I'm actually so, so bummed that Restyle is nearly over. It's been so much fun! I managed to save a couple of awesome pieces for the last week; I was worried that I would be running out of steam at the tail end of the challenge. While I am excited to wear my whole wardrobe again, it's been a very fun challenge! But the day after the challenge finishes it's MY BIRTHDAY WOO YEAH PARTY TIME so at least there's that to distract me.

Today I paired a skirt I bought a few weeks ago with a blouse that I bought YEARS ago. As I mentioned last night, my style has been a lot more demure during Restyle (not that I was walking around in booty shorts and crop tops, but even an extra few centimetres on a hemline makes me feel much more prim and proper!). I did love this outfit very much, though. The blouse is amazing, but it's that kind of cheap polyester that smells like B.O after about five minutes.

Skirt, Good Sammys, $10 // Blouse, Anglicare, $6 // Heels, Good Sammys, $4 // Ring, Good Sammys, $5 // Rose gold pyramid studs from Pigeonhole

I think I already mentioned that I have a hair appointment today... eep! I am planning a big change but I will see what my hairdresser has to say about that. Last time I made a huge change (and went red!), I cried for hours the first night and then absolutely loved it. So we'll see how I go. Looking at my fringe in these photos makes me want to hack at it myself! Argh!



  1. I love that blouse! White blouses always look good with a bit of detailing & embellishing. I've really been loving seeing all your Restyle posts - I'll be a little sad to see it end as well!

    1. Aw thank you! You have been so lovely through the whole Restyle (and the whole blog, really!) so thank you very much for your kind words! xx


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!