Restyle: Jukebox Baby

Hello again! Here's my latest Restyle outfit. Sorry I don't look very smiley in these pictures, it was so hard to get out of bed and get ready for work! I haven't had a Saturday off since... April, I think? This was one of those days when I just wanted to stay nice and cozy under the covers! What a first world problem, eh?

Anyway! I got one of my deliveries from ASOS on Thursday, which included this adorable jukebox-print shirt. It happened to go quite well with my op-shopped skirt - which was actually surprisingly hard to match with any of my tops! I bought it because it reminded me of an old Valleygirl skirt I have, but  the print on this one is a little more extreme so it's hard for it to not look too clashy with other printed tops.

I bought the navy heels ages ago but they are still one of my favourite ever op-shop finds. They are navy (which I am obsessed with these days), they have a very manageable heel height and they have this lovely velvet bow on the toes. And they fit perfectly! Score!

Skirt, Good Sammys, $3 // Shoes, Good Sammys, $4 (purchased prior to Restyle) // Belt, Good Sammys, $2.50 // ASOS shirt // Chicabooti cardigan // Pigeonhole carnation necklace

I hope you all have an awesome weekend! I think tonight is a "watching Breaking Bad in my pyjamas" kind of night. And just a reminder, you can keep up with all the Restyle action on the official website!

And I'll leave you with an outtake... at least I was smiling in this one!


p.s In case you were wondering, the Dark Knight Rises was AWESOME. GO SEE IT IMMEDIATELY WHY ARE YOU STILL READING GO AND SEE IT NOW. And then come back and we'll talk about Joseph Gordon-Levitt (spoiler alert: causes ladyboners).


  1. jukebox shirt!!!!!! love it. matches that skirt so perfectly, too!

  2. Oh man. Joseph Gordon Levitt. Yes. Drool-worthy. I'm loving your op-shop finds, and the jukebox shirt is kinda amazing

    1. Ahh I know. I had a DOLLY magazine poster of him on my wall when I was younger! Ahahaha! And thank you!

  3. I also loved the Asos shirt, such a cheeky print. The material looks great!

    1. It's such a nice shirt! A slightly different style from most of their blouses but I think it's an improvement!

  4. You are just way too adorable! I love this outfit heaps. That skirt is really cute & it goes beautifully with that top.

    Oh man, Joseph Gordon Levitt? Now I have to see this movie!


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!