Restyle: Plaid

Don't you hate it when you're rocking an (in your mind) awesome outfit, and then you look down and think, "Well dang, I've accidentally dressed as Terry Richardson"? I mean, this is the first time this has happened to me, but it put a little bit of a dampener on the outfit. Please consider this a "No, I didn't voluntarily dress up as a creepy photographer" disclosure.

Shirt, Good Sammys, $4 // Shoes, Good Sammys, $10 // Scarf, Salvation Army, $9.99 // Hi There by Karen Walker shorts // Black tights // Pigeonhole T-Rex necklace & bone bracelet

Terry associations aside, I really liked this outfit. I think the headscarf gives everything I'm wearing more of a vintage twist. I kind of felt a bit like Rosie the Riveter. I was actually pretty surprised at how many great accessories I found with this challenge. I thought I was just going to buy thirty dresses and call it a day, but I actually have gone outside my comfort zone (as I'm sure I've already said many, many times. I'm just reminding you, once I get back to my regular wardrobe, that there WAS a time when I didn't wear vintage mini-dresses and tan loafers every day, haha!).



  1. I think this outfit is really cute! I don't reckon you look like Terry Richardson at all. He certainly doesn't look this cute in plaid!

    1. Haha thank you! I guess I haven't seen too many pictures of TR in high-waisted shorts... though I wouldn't be surprised... ;) x


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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!