Restyle: Blue Hawaii

This dress is the first one I bought for Restyle. I wasn't totally sold on it - it looks like a giant sack if you don't add the fabric belt! - and I'm still not sure about the length, but at $6 I felt like I could try and make it work! I had this outfit in mind, but this is a much, much more casual version! It was just one of those ridiculously lazy Sundays where you spend all morning in bed and then end up watching Seinfeld episodes all afternoon.

Dress, Good Sammys, $6 // eBay biker jacket // Black flats // Pigeonhole chain bracelet

I'm not sure why my hair looks SO red in these pictures!

{obligatory blogger pose}

I know I'm at the start of an op-shop challenge, but I had to include this close-up of the bracelet I bought (the day before the challenge started!). I love it! It's a bit more masculine than the jewellery I usually go for, so it's a welcome change in my collection. 


p.s Louisa, I am so sorry but I accidentally deleted your comment on my last post when I was trying to publish it! Please know that I did read & appreciate it :) 

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I'm a freelance writer who blogs about Perth (my old home), Paris (my new home), fashion, food, and everything else that takes my fancy. Have a look around and enjoy!